Saturday, September 1, 2007

What do YOU call it?

Some people call it the Labrador Shuffle. Some call it the Kirby Derby, the crazies, the scoots, warthog, the zoom-zooms. We call it:


(sorry, we just figured out how to get video on here - we're a little slow)


8675309 said...

How funny...I've been trying for A WEEK to upload video of Truman's post-bath shuffle, and I have been foiled each time. Unsurprisingly, Google Help has been no help whatsoever. How did you manage it? I followed all the directions, I swear....

Denise said...

With Andromeda I say "I am going to get you" and full out tuck and run happens. With Kamra it was a more bounceing of the walls in the house after being really good all day at work than a shuffle. Oceana likes to shuffle with Andromeda so its a two dog shuffle around the yard.

Denise said...

Jenny I been trying to upload to and it does not work eather. So teach us your secret please!!!

Lisa and pups said...

Ha ha - that's hilarious and makes me so jealous. I've always called it the zoomies. But, rampaige sounds even better! :)